Easybee Products was started by Mike Roberts over 40 years ago, and we have millions of bees in 1,300 colonies spread over a 50 mile radius mostly in the Cotswolds area.At our farm in the Cotswolds we produce and import bees to sell to beekeepers to help them produce a good yield of honey. Our starter hives in particular are a great success. We pride ourselves on producing and importing only top quality bees that produce a great product.
Why do we import some of our Queens?
We import a large number of Queens to arrive in early April to replace the overwintered Queens in our breeding hives. We always ensure we buy the best Queens money can buy.
In the past we have bred all our own Queens each year, producing up to 3000, however 85% were wasted. We have found it is almost impossible to have good breeding Queens mated for April in the UK, with the weather being against us. In these conditions Queens did not mate properly even in June and July. The Queens hatched but it was so cold or raining she had to delay her mating flight up to a fortnight then she became sterile. We had to cull up to 1000 at a time so in the end we decided it was not worth it. It is better to pay for well mated produced Queens from hotter country’s with constant weather conditions.
Our Honey
We not only use our experience to breed and import bees we use the honey from our farm to produce a gorgeous creamy textured honey that has been cold pressed. All honeys will granulate and set hard over time but our creamed honey will keep it’s buttery like consistency without setting so you can rely on it being spreadable.